Sunday, June 30, 2024

Ellises Are Heading Home As Well

So we had one last lunch with them on Saturday.  We are sure we will see them again.  They live in Orem and we are already planning a temple trip together to the new Orem Temple which opened since we have arrived.

They have been such a great blessing to us.  They serve just an hour away and we have enjoyed our side adventures in fun as well as being together at special zone meetings and other mission events. They are amazing and we are proud to call them our friends.  

We tried to eat at a seafood place called the Mermaids--it was closed on Saturday but we enjoyed the Razorback Mermaid in front....

We had yummy food at Smitty's instead.
Again, see you later, sweet friends.

At one of the meetings last week, someone commented that "I tossed in my crust of bread as my sacrifice, and the Lord returns to me a warm crusty loaf."  I loved that. We only toss in a crust, but the Lord has honored our sacrifice over and over again with so many blessings--the Ellises and all of those we serve with are part of the "loaf" we have been given back.

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