Sunday, June 9, 2024

Accidental Blessing

I am not sure if it was an accident or not...on my end it was, but God plans better than I do and it might have just been a sweet little gift for me! Either way, it was a blessing I will always treasure.

We picked the only time in the month that we could be free for three days in a row.  Even with that, we missed a district meeting and our weekly Zone Call, but it worked for us to go on the 26th and come back on the 28th.  It wasn't until a week before we left that I realized that we would be there over Memorial Weekend.  That meant for the first time ever, I would be able to bring some "plastic" flowers to my mom's grave and also to see my dad's grave marker for the first time on Memorial Day.

I went by myself early on Monday morning. I didn't stay long since there was still much packing to do, but it was a sweet moment to be there, take some pictures and leave something behind.  It will likely never happen again in my lifetime.  It is only an earthly ritual anyway.  I know my parents aren't here.  But it was sweet and holy, none the less, and I am grateful for those moments to remember and to be grateful.

My dad's marker--he designed what he wanted to match what we had done for our mom.

He played games with us

She wore out two hearts for us

This part of the cemetery only allows flat markers.  I had always imagined taking the two markers and putting them together into one flat but two person marker.  However, I didn't like the only option that was okayed for this part of the cemetery.  It required a vase between the two markers and it didn't match what I wanted so we stayed with the individual stones.  Thankfully, we have the marriage dates and other important historical data you might put on a joint stone.

My flowers for my mom.  She taught me to love sunflowers and wild flowers.  She would have my dad stop the car so she could pick some flowers to put in a vase at home or to let us see them closely.
I came prepared also with small heart shaped stones  (leaving stone at the graveside is a Jewish tradition to indicate that someone has come by to honor the person) and two pennies that I have found.  There are many people who talk about pennies from heaven--how finding a penny would seem like a gift from someone who had recently passed away, a reminder that they still exist.  I never got into that idea.  However, on the day that we arrived in Amarillo to prepare for my dad's funeral, I stopped out of the car in the rain to try to go into a fast food place for lunch (it was closed due to lack of workers) and I found a penny in the parking lot by our car.  And over the last few months, I had found pennies and other coins and saved them for "something" and I took two of them to leave on their stones.
my mom's

my dad's
We had chosen to put a note on mom's stone....
and dad wanted a chess piece. It took a bit to get the right piece but we were happy with how it turned out.

The cemetery was all dressed up for the holiday.  Judging by the signs they were having an event at 10:30 to honor the veterans.  I love flags and it was also a good reminder of all those who have sacrificed for our country to exist.

Sweet and tender moments--fit into the busyness of life.  I was grateful for this time, but even more grateful for two great parents who loved me fully and taught me the gospel by their words and deeds.  That is a great blessing in this life.

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