Sunday, June 30, 2024

And the Season of Goodbyes Continues...

First, on Sunday, June 23rd, both Lizzy Martin and Nyomi Vigil spoke in their home wards in preparation for beginning their missionary service.  Lizzy is going to Idaho Pocatello- Spanish speaking and Nyomi to Utah Provo Mission. We were able to hear Lizzy's talk in the YSA branch.  We will miss these two amazing young adults but are grateful and proud of their decisions to serve missions.  They both are such great young women and they will leave a whole in our branch and in Institute.

After attending an open house for Lizzy, we headed to Bentonville for another tender goodbye.  The Bentonville stake had arranged a Farewell Devotional for the Collins who were completing their three years of service as mission leaders in our mission.

It was fun to see our young missionary friends serving throughout the mission who were able to attend this fireside.

Elder Bigelow by us with his current companion...

We realized that we didn't have a picture of us with President Beutler.  He served as the first counselor to President Collins over the southern part of the mission.  We love him and his sweet wife (she had to hurry home to let her puppy out).
And we finally got an "official" photo with the Collins--our prior one we were in travel clothes when we first arrived at the mission home last April.

The east view of the Bentonville Temple in the setting sun....

This is a photo of the mission presidency--Collins in the middle, the Nelsons (on the left) and the Beutlers on the right.

Sister Ellis took these photos of the Collins before the devotional began.....
and as they were speaking.

We feel very lucky that we know our connections and friendships don't end when releases happen.  They will be living in Utah county and we know that we will see them from time to time in the future.  But it was a special time to serve with them in the Arkansas Bentonville Mission.  God speed, our sweet friends!

As I glance at the clock in the chapel, right at 7:00 pm, I thought about Lizzy getting set apart at that very hour to BEGIN her missionary service while the Collins were ending theirs.  Such is the organization of the Church--callings and releases, hellos and goodbyes...CHANGE--the hallmark of mortal life and the promise of the eternities!

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