Sunday, June 16, 2024

P-day--June 12th

We joined the missionaries at the Church in the afternoon to share apple crisp and ice cream with them.

Elder Keller giving a haircut to Elder Eilinger 

Basketball was played....and pickle ball earlier.
But the main event today was a water balloon fight out in the parking lot.  It was a hot June day and they had a great time getting wet.
My best shot including even a balloon---Sister Cherrington

Jena loved getting a little bit wet and throwing a couple of balloons as well.

Elder Condie dumped a cooler of water on Sister Beagley.
This is the back side of their selfie...
Jena with Sister Ackerman who was a visa waiter heading to Bolivia on Thursday.

Here is a great, hard-working fun group of missionaries! And one friend in the back...

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