Monday, June 3, 2024

Happy Birthday. Sister Ellis!

As I have mentioned before, we have become great friends with Elder Tom and Sister Ruth Ellis from Orem, UT.  How lucky we are that they serve in Fayetteville which allows us to get together from time to time for no reason at all...or to do something fun and crazy like take treats to the transfer points during the transfer loops.  They are amazing!

So, May 18--a Saturday this year--is her birthday so we were excited to celebrate with them at lunch at Ella's Table--a restaurant located on the campus of the University of Arkansas and named after the first female English professor on campus in the late 1800's (if I remember the story right). Food was yummy and our conversation was better.  We love being with them.

They invited us to go visit The Clinton House---I didn't know what it was but assumed that it was some restored home from the 1800s as well...NO--it was The Clintons of Bill and Hillary fame.  They were actually married in this house which Bill bought after Hillary saw it driving past one day when she was visiting Bill at the University.  They have tried to restore it back to the 1970s style.  It was definitely a step back in time.  They lived here one year before moving to Little Rock.

Orange kitchens were a 1970s thing.

old pictures of the Clintons

They also collected lots of memorabilia from the Clintons different campaigns.  It was all interesting and even funnier to talk to the volunteer who was working there.  He had attended as a young adult some of the early rallies for Bill Clinton as he ran for office in Arkansas and later when he ran for president.  He talked about his experiences which was fun.  

The story was that the day before their wedding, her mother came into town from Chicago and discovered that Hillary was planning on wearing a dress from her closet reasoning that Bill was only wearing his best suit for the wedding.  Her mom took her to a local story and bought this dress for $125..It was a particular famous brand at the time, but I can't remember the name.
Bill's posters

Hillary's things were displayed in the master bedroom.  This is a piece of art work that someone did of Hillary visiting the home when it was opened as a museum.

The 1970s.....

The front of the home with the Razorback hog...which wasn't there when the Clintons lived there.
As we drove out of the parking lot, Gary stopped and insisted I take this shot of the hog!  Silly Gary...
Trying to take another route home from Fayetteville, we got on a street that became a dirt road..not surprising, but the name of the street was Bug Scuffle.  You don't see that street name very often, and then we came upon a Church by the same name...

followed by a cemetery.  We stopped and took pictures of the entire cemetery.

Behind the Church was a traditional outhouse which was fun.

And you might as well take a photo out this iconic window.
The paved road soon changed into a dirt one as we winded around the hills.  As we entered into a grove of trees, butterflies flew everywhere.
I got out and walked down the lane and tried to get some pictures.  Wrong camera to get the flights of five or ten butterflies ahead of was a moment to just enjoy nature in its glory.  I have never been around so many butterflies outside of butterfly areas in zoos.

Trees were a pretty backdrop to the butterfly display.
Another Saturday in Arkansas in the books and hopefully never to be forgotten.

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