Sunday, January 29, 2017

Quotable Quotes

Perhaps I have done a similar post in the past.  I can vaguely remember taking pictures of some of the quotes around my house but not sure when or why so my apologies if this is a repeat.  Hopefully there is something different in the text even if the quotes are the same.

Last week when I sent out my email about a new blog post, I added a new quote that I had recently read on Facebook.  I liked it and thought it was appropriate for the current times we live in when people can't seem to be kind and respectful to people who don't share their same point of view.

Here is that quote:

"Peacemaking doesn't mean passivity. It is the act of interrupting injustice without mirroring injustice, the act of disarming evil without destroying the evildoer, the act of finding a third way that is neither fight nor flight but the careful, arduous pursuit of reconciliation and justice. It is about a revolution of love that is big enough to set both the oppressed and the oppressors free. -from the book "Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals"

My sister Valerie liked the quote and asked if she could post it on Facebook.  Of course I agreed, saying that I nor the person I got it from "own" the quote.  For some reason that started me thinking about quotes and how much I enjoy words--put together well.

Another favorite quote:

"I will go forward...I will smile at the rage of the tempest, and ride fearlessly and triumphantly across the boisterous ocean of circumstance...and the 'testimony of Jesus' will light up a lamp that will guide my vision through the portals of immortality."   Eliza R. Snow

Isn't that an awesome and powerful way to approach life!!

So I decided that I needed to document the quotes and words I have around my house....and that turned out to be a much bigger project that I first thought.  I mean, I know I had several but it is quite another thing when you start taking pictures of them all.  I really do need to diversify my "home decor" style.  However as I looked at each one this afternoon, they each still touch my heart and in my day to day living, they serve as reminders of the values and thoughts that are important to me. (The statements are about the quote which follow them.)

Starting at my computer desk, this quote has been taped inside one of the bookshelves where I can see it any time I am at the computer:
There is no power in the universe that can come between us
and the celestial kingdom, except our own power.
 This was my first real quote--meaning the first quote that I heard in the middle of a talk and loved it.  It was at a BYU devotional when I was a student in the early 1970's.  Immediately when I heard it, I wrote it down and was determined that it would appear on my wedding announcements...and it did....then later on this quote board and also on a collage of our 2010 family pictures.
I lift thee and thou life me, and we (all) ascend together."
This is in my family history.sewing, and exercise room downstairs-- This was a "popular" quote a number of years ago.  Looking at this quote causes me to reflect on those moments "that took my breath away"--The Great Wall of China, double rainbows in the sky, waterfalls, and streams, sunsets, and falling stars, children at play, new babies,....and the list can go on and on.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by  the
moments that take our breath away.
This quote is in the same room and sits on top of my desk in there.  Ben chose this quote for his bedroom one time and when he didn't want it any more, I snatched it.  This is a critical truth.

I saw this quote first at the home of our friends, Kent and Vicki Fox, and got the name of the person who had done it.  This was my first formal "quote on a board".  It comes from Harry Potter and one of the reasons I like it (other than it is a very important concept for everyone to learn) was that when I was reading Harry Potter I was actually struck by this quote in the book.  Usually I read fiction very quickly to follow the story line that I can miss things like this.  And, yes, we have had people ask us who Professor Dumbledore is?

It is not our abilities that show what we
truly are:  It is our choices.
In my entry way:  (and I actually did this little piece of embroidery)

Also in my entry way.  I usually put this out at Thanksgiving time, but when I cleaned up Christmas decorations, I decided that I wanted it out again

In our bedroom, this is one of the newest ones I have.  Again it is a "popular" one but when I redid our bedroom wall, I thought it was the perfect thing to look at when we went to bed or woke up in the morning.  Gary even commented that he liked it.  (And ours is my very favorite love story, too.)

BYU alumni or students will recognize this next quote as being at one of the entrances into the BYU campus.  This reminds me of BYU and all that I learned there but its meaning goes beyond that. There are many places we enter--our homes, the Church, the Chapel, the temple--to learn but then we must exit (go forth) to serve others.  That is the plan.  We do not gain knowledge for ourselves but to serve others.

In the master bedroom on the mirror:   My sister Valerie did this lettering as well as many of the other quotes I have in my house.

Also posted on my bathroom mirror is the full version of "The Living Christ".  A bit longer than a quote, but I once memorized it including those who signed it.  That was a very special experience and even now looking at it reminds me of some of those special moments.  If you have never done that, I highly recommend it.  (And that reminds me that I also have "The Family:  A Proclamation to the World" in my hallway. No picture--I never memorized that.)

Over the stairs going downstairs-- you can't see it in the picture but over the base of the "H" it says est. 1978.  The year we were married.

When I was Relief Society president in the Walnut Grove Ward, we made these blocks and gave them to the new families as they moved into the ward.  We had a lot of new people moving in at that time. For Christmas one year I made one for each of the members of my presidency.
I told you that I have a lot of quotes and they keep coming.

This hangs in the small hallway heading to the garage.  I got this thinking it might be good for an office someday but once I hung it here, I wanted to keep it there--Happy hearts are worth keeping and having even in the busy and hard times.

 This is our Hall Family Motto--It is on the wall in our mud room.

 In my laundry room:  This is a famous quote from Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley.
 This is also in my laundry room as well.  It is a picture with the following quote:

"By small and simple things are great things'
brought to pass."
 Not a quote, but words...words are everywhere!

I found this little quote a number of years ago and how true are these words.  I say this to myself many times when life is difficult.  Each day comes with those blessings as well as the troubles.  Just look!

I first made a block with this quote (actually a scripture in this case) and decided that it was an important message for me so I made another one for me.  Sits on our bathtub in the master bedroom.

If you know me, you know that this is true.
the beach feeds my soul.
 In our entry hall niche--

Sometimes it only takes a word---on our kitchen wall
This is a quote which my mom also had in her house when I was growing up.  My mom loved words too!  This reminds me each night (well, most nights) that I want to make that run through the house and put things back in somewhat of an order....because tomorrow there will be new messes....
(this is a twist from a scripture which uses the word "evil" instead of "mess".)
"Sufficient each day is the mess therein."
I have had this hanging in my kitchen for almost 18 years.  It is a list of "Simple Pleasures" and if I found myself too busy or too stressed, I will read parts of it just to remind myself to enjoy the moment and enjoy the simple things of life.

Jessica and Elessia made this for me for Christmas and I have kept it out for the winter season, I guess if you are going to have snow, you need to appreciate it.

This one hangs in our powder room.  It is a couple of lines from the Robert Frost poem.  My mom loved this poem and I believe she memorized it when I was younger.  I have loved this poem for a long time and so when I saw this which includes the lines in English and Chinese, I had my friend who had done it make me one as well.  (Thanks to Dan and Eileen Bradford.)
Two roads diverged in a wood...
I took the one less traveled by...
and that has made all the difference.
And for the final one:  Gary and Jena bought this for our game room (although more to make fun of my loyalty to the 49ers)

Let's go SF
they haven't been doing well for the past
several years
And there you have it and there are probably more I forgot in my trip around my house.  Some I bring out at different times or holidays.  It is crazy.  But I like it.  They are meaningful to me and they touch my life at odd moments now and then.

(Is there such a thing as a "quote hoarder?)

And as I reread this I remembered about Jena's quote in her room (Never ever give up. Dream Do Come True) and two in Gary's office (Think, Think, Think) and (Grow old with me.  The best is yet to come).

It is really out of control over here.

200,000 and counting..

We have been on odometer watch for the past few weeks as our Envoy has been approaching this historical mark.  Thursday night as I was heading home from Salt Lake from my internship and then Family History night with my dad, I pulled in the garage at 199996 at 10:00 p.m., so, of course, I grabbed Gary and we headed out to get gas and then drove around until we could enjoy the moment together (how sappy is that?).  It hit the mark in front of our friend, Brooke Bone's home around the corner and down the street from us.  This is our first car to actually make it to 200000 (at least while we still owned it). Our previous cars died somewhere between 160,000 and 175,000 and were donated to the American Lung Association. This has been a great car and we have had very little problems with it.  I tribute that to Gary who keeps on top of the maintenance and other details.

And since that mark on Thursday night, we have added 294 miles.

We took Jena skiing at Snowbasin with her instructor, Terrie. 

After which, we "beelined" it for the 4:00 show at the Hale Theatre---"The Nerd"  (had some funny parts but not my favorite play.)

On Saturday the Envoy had a bit of a break while Gary and Jena headed to bowling while I worked on homework and cleaned the refrigerator.

And since Saturday was Chinese New Year, we headed to Provo, got some Chinese food for dinner and shared a meal with Ben.

Gary didn't want to cooperate for a picture--
always one in the family :)
 Here was my fortune cookie-

When I sent it to Tosha she wrote back-- "I always thought those fortune cookies were bologna but I guess they're more accurate than I expected. Haha".  Yes indeed since I will be enjoying a trip to Asia this year to "help" with cute Baby2 Russell.

Ben enjoyed the food and the visit.  He has started an "industrial" which means he has a small job on the unit taking care of the garbage.  He is now able to go out on the grounds with family and staff although the weather has been too snowy and wet to really do that yet.  Steps forward....

The view has we left Ben's building--- the reflection of the setting sun...

Then we drove from Provo to Centerville in order for Jena and I to usher at the Centerpoint Theatre and then all three of us stayed to see the play "You Can't Take It With You"--another play with funny parts but slightly overdone in some ways.  A nice message--center yourself and your life on things which bring happiness to you and to those you love.

Then today we added a little bit as we headed to Church and then this afternoon we took a drive to Kaysville and back to drop something off at my nephew's.....and that is how you get 294 miles on your car in three days without going anywhere.......

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Thank heavens for Messenger...

and Messages and Facebook and Facetime....because it helps share the moments of my grandchildren's lives in ways which weren't possible 20 years ago.  Here are some random pictures which my children have shared with me (and the world)  this month.

From Jessica:
Image may contain: 2 people, baby and closeup
Zander and Liam

From Scott:
Image may contain: 2 people, child, closeup and indoor
Tea parties with Scarlett and Chantel

Image may contain: ultrasound
Baby James with the same cheeks as Scott and Scarlett
Due to arrive around February 15
From Tosha:  Silly pictures of the Russells

Old men--Niki and Austen

Not sure the story of this picture!
And that is a wrap of the blog!!


Sometimes there can be a bit of a letdown when you get home from a trip but I had an extra bonus as my brother, Mike was in town for the evening.  He arrived while Jena and I were ushering at Centerpoint and had to leave this morning to catch his plane back to Lubbock Texas where he teaches at Texas Tech.  He came for a one day conference at Utah State on energy economic policies, his specialty.  The good news is that he might come for an extended stay at Utah State this summer to lead some research with students there.  That would be awesome.  I am already thinking about some fun things we could do so I hope it works out.

Mike is number three in my family and 2 1/2 years younger than me.  It was so great to stay up until 11:30 again to visit with him. (I did take a lon----ng nap this afternoon.)

Company is great and when it is a sibling, it is even more awesome!!! And I am in luck because I will see my brother Rick in a couple of weeks and then my sister Valerie the week after that.  Come on, Todd, Robin, Lynette, and Scott, when are you coming to visit me?  The room is always available.

Ice Castles in Midway

Back in December when I was struggling what to get Gary for Christmas, I contacted a friend, Jolynn Beckstrand, to see if she would like to plan a getaway for our husbands as a gift.  She loved the idea and after a few weeks of going back and forth, we decided on the weekend of January 20-21 for our trip and The Homestead Resort and the Ice Castles as our spot.  Located up in the hills east of Heber City (which is about 20 miles south of the more famous Park City), it is an old farm location which was made into a resort many years ago.  The rooms are spread out over the area in buildings with quaint names like the Milk House, the Bunk house, and ours which was Lakeview (although I didn't see any actual lake.)

The door into our room
There were about 8 rooms in our building.

 Some of the other buildings on the property

 The welcoming eagle and bear on the front porch of the main building
We met our friends just before six in the evening and walking over to  The Ice Castles.  We have way more pictures than you want to see but it was very amazing and beautiful, especially at night.  They had classical music playing as you walked through and around the amazing ice walls, tunnels, slides and other ice structures.  Despite the temperatures being in the 20's, it wasn't too cold to enjoy.  You really should try to go see it sometime.  It was gorgeous. 

Hal and Gary
We have known Hal and Jolynn for about 36 years.
For some reason I can't find the pictures Gary took
which I download to my computer but
they aren't in the normal location so no pictures of the two of them.


As you can see the next three pictures are the same place but with different color lights.  The colors were constantly changing although in varying speeds and lengths.

 The black of the sky added a nice contrast to the colors throughout the Ice Castles.

one of the slides
Gary and I sitting on one of the many "ice thrones" throughout the area (and yes, our bottoms got wet sitting on the cold ice.)

 They had a few "fire" shows and dancers.  This man was amazing spitting fire out of his mouth.

We then went out to eat at the onsite restaurant and then spent the evening playing games and talking (or talking and playing games, depending on how you looked at it.)  We played Five Crowns, a card game, which was fun, until about 11:30 pm. before we headed off to bed.

I woke up to the sound of the snow plow on Saturday morning so I knew the promised snow had arrived.  It looked like 3-4 inches had fallen during the night.  However listening to the Weather Channel that morning, we were grateful to just have snow.  Parts of the south had had severe weather overnight including many tornados touching down.  Tornadoes are scary but during the night even more so.

Icicles outside our bay window

We headed to breakfast and then walked down to see the outside of the Ice Castles during the day.
This is what they look like in daylight.  The blue you see is glacier blue and a natural color if the temperatures are cold enough.  The Beckstrands have been to Alaska and they said that they have seen that in "the wild".  We were lucky enough to run into a worker who helped with the building and maintaining of the whole structure.  We had an interesting conversation with him as he has had experiences with other ice structures as well. He said the whole thing could melt with just a few days of temperatures over 50 degrees in a row, especially if it was rainy.  He said this was an excellent location for it because the water is sparkly clean and the right temperature for ice castle building.  Put it on your bucket list if you are in Utah because it was a unique and fun time.

Being with friends also made it a special event.

We added one more stop on our way home and headed down to visit Ben since we were close.  We traveled down Provo Canyon which was the same drive we took as part of our mini-Hall reunion in the summer.

Deer Creek Reservoir
We saw a number of people ice fishing

Bridal Veil Falls which still had some water flowing over the ice
Ben was more upbeat today.  He has gotten permission to have other visitors from the family and friends and he starts a basic job "on unit" next week.  Working is part of the treatment and he is excited to be doing that finally.

Then we grabbed Jena at Scott's and got home about 4.

I stand by my belief that a good "get away" from life requires 4 days and three nights.  (I developed that theory after going a trips with Gary over the years and leaving our children behind .  It takes as long to prepare for 1 day as 4, it seems like, but after 4 days, I started really missing the kids so it was time to head home). This 24 hours hours flew by so fast.  We really appreciated the Pessettos who took Jena to and from her Friday night activity and for Scott, Chantel and Scarlett who kept her overnight.  Scott and Chantel said that Jena and Scarlett played non-stop except when they were asleep and they are hoping Jena comes over and hangs out after Baby James arrives.  Jena loved it too.

Back to real life....almost.....