Sunday, June 16, 2024

It's Been Another Week Already??

Monday- District Meeting and making of 75 cookies for an evening YSA Fireside in Bentonville.  I made three kinds--Chocolate chip, M&M and a chocolate cookie with peanut butter chips which Gary said were yummy.  I had some kind of stomach bug on Monday through Thursday this week.  I just felt nausea all of the time and very tired.  It was minor, just annoying, and it made being in a car very uncomfortable.  Fortunately, it seemed to work itself out in the early morning hours of Thursday and I felt good by the time it was time to head to Clarksville.  However, it meant that going to the Regional YSA fireside was out for me.  Gary drove the cookies 60 miles to Sister Ellis so that she would have what she needed.  (Yes, I know.  It would have made more sense for her to go and buy cookies to take rather than having Gary make that long trip.  However, I had made the dough in the morning before our district meeting and I just wanted her to not have to worry about anything else.  I am weird like that.)

Tuesday- Institute Activity-- As you might expect, the ones with large letters and some "artistic" letters were made by the young women in our class...the ones with tiny letters--one so small it was almost impossible to read were by the young men...The assignment was to take a phrase or sentence from the talk we were studying by President Nelson and make a poster that you might hang on your bathroom mirror! 

No one chose the same phrases, so that was good! Some of them share a bit about why they chose what they did--and that, of course, was one of the points of the exercise--taking President Nelson's words into your own life.

A project that I spent some time doing in May arrived on June 11.  With the help of the missionaries, we put together a "BeReal" book for President and Sister Collins.  The missionaries also wrote notes to the Colllins.  The Assistants to the President gave them the book and the cards at the last departing missionary fireside on last Friday.  They loved it.

We did a two-page spread for each zone and included a "BeReal" photo of each companionship along with their names.  BeReal photos are not yearbook photos, but fun pictures of missionaries being out and about in their areas.  This is our Zone with the great missionaries in our zone in May.  (Transfers happened last week and there were several changes as there usually is.)

Sometimes, it is good to have an idea early enough to make it actually happen.  The Collins loved it!

Wednesday was early morning transfer calls and some gluten-free apple crisp at the Church for P-day! (Photos of P-day are in the following post.)

Our Clarksville Institute this week was a bit of an adventure.  We thought we were going to have two students--one being Christian who already attended in Ft. Smith on Tuesday.  When we were about 5 minutes from Clarksville, I got a text that our other student wasn't able to make it.  We reached out to Christian who actually lives in Paris, Texas, and asked if he would like to join us for dinner in Paris for Institute.  He agreed and we met and had a great dinner at the LaMesa in Paris....yummy Mexican food.  We had reached out to President and Sister Anderton to join us, but they couldn't.  They invited us to their house after dinner which worked out perfectly because I had brought apple crisp for dessert.  After dinner, we grabbed some ice cream at a near by store and headed to the Andertons.  We had a fun conversation with them, including a bit of a discussion about the actual Institute lesson as well as topics for Father's Day talks that Holly and I had been assigned. 

Friday was transfer loop day followed by an overnight road trip to Blanchard Springs Caverns.  We got home late on Saturday night and I worked into the wee hours on my talk.....

And now it is Sunday---talk given, root beer floats for a Father's Day Linger Longer, a long nap...and now working on the blog.

And that is what a week can look like--with lesson prep, food planning, shopping, and preparation, house cleaning in between all of get the idea.

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