Sunday, June 30, 2024

Goodbyes in Springfield, MO

On Friday, June 21st, we headed to Springfield, MO, which is about 3+ hours away (depending on the route you take).  We had arranged to meet the three couples who serve there for lunch (Bevans, Bairds, and Blakes) to say goodbye to the Bevans who were being released the following Tuesday.  Goodbyes are a real part of missionary service whether you are a young or a senior missionary.

Love the reminders of Christ, even if done in ways different from my faith tradition.  They serve as a reminder that I am seeking to be a disciple of Him, every day, in every place!
This is a bit of an industrial style restaurant which serves breakfast and lunch only.  There are several in the area, but this is our first time eating there.
We surprised the Bevans by inviting the other senior missionaries to join us.  Not everyone could make it, but it was fun to see those who came and it was sad to see them say goodbye to the Bevans.  We love them.  An extra bonus was that the newest couple was able to join us--the Calls who are serving in Rogers.  They arrived on Tuesday and joined us on Friday--so that was a fun welcome to the mission. Calls are sitting by Gary, then the Cooks, Bevans and Blakes on my side of the table with the Ellises at the end on the other side--that was confusing enough.  I know these faces and will treasure our friendship forever.  

The Bevans with the card Jena made.  Sister Bevan is the older sister of Steve Davis who lives in our neighborhood and served in the Stake Presidency for a number of years.  Fun connections.

And, of course, more hay bales--with a fence this time...
We will miss these beautiful, narrow, curvy, hilly country roads...
Always  bonus to cross a bridge.  This one goes over Table Top Lake in Missouri.
In the town of "Blue Eye"-----
I think that is a unusual name for a city, and a school, and a Church and several businesses in the area.
The things you will see.....

Trying to avoid the roads we had already traveled between Ft. Smith and Springfield, MO, we definitely found a new dirt road to travel....clean cars are overrated! This is how we crossed the border between the of the times...
Nope, we didn't stop to go shopping......

or use the rest rooms!

Another Church sign to add to my collection...I truly hope to be able to use them in some class or fireside sometime.

An older classic bridge...
And after 4 1/2 hours after leaving Springfield, we arrived in Ft. Smith--more new roads traveled, more new sights seen.  What a simple pleasure....

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