Sunday, June 16, 2024

Final Transfer Loop With The Ellises

This was Sister Ellis's brainstorm to bring treats on transfer loop.  Gary saw them one time when he was driving some elders up, and we decided to join in the fun.  She makes yummy pumpkin muffins and we bring fruit
Lots of hugging and talking and connections happening at the transfer loop.  We set up first in Springdale and then head up to Bentonville.

This is our last time with the Ellises.  They will be released on July 3 to return home to Orem, UT.

Some of our favorite missionaries--Elder Crabtree who is heading home, Elder Phillips, and Elder Smythe.

Sister Beagley with her greenie--"baby" as they call them now when they first come into the mission.  Her name is Sister Gray.

After Bentonville, we headed off on another adventure...also Sister Ellis's idea, although she and Elder Ellis had to stay home because she twisted her ankle last week. More on the following post.....

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