Sunday, June 9, 2024

To Amarillo And Back

On Saturday, May 26, we attended the graveside service for Michael Davidson who was the father of Esther, one of our young adults. From there, we headed to Amarillo to help my sister, Lynette, pack for her move to Mesa.  This is something that she has wanted to do for a long time.  She is now there and getting settled into her new apartment.  She said that the person she sat by in Relief Society today was named Judy so that makes it easy to remember.  A good start!

It takes about 7 hours both directions.  We went up on Saturday afternoon and came back on Tuesday in time to get to finish lesson prep and buy food for the dinner at the grocery store.  A quick and busy trip but I was glad I had went.

Photos are from the trip there and the trip back...

The rest stops on either side of the border were serious commercials for their states...

Oops...missed Jena on this one.

We changed clothes at the Oklahoma border after attending the funeral.

And at the Texas border, the wind was blowing as usual for the panhandle.
The prairelands of the Panhandle of Texas....

They like their "Lonestar" in Texas....

The packing was a work in process....
We headed home starting about 6:30 am...good to have some cloud cover as we headed east to Arkansas.

Back through Oklahoma--different rest stop.

Still in the Bible Belt....
I neglected to get a picture of Lynette and I...we were too busy packing...and even when we stopped by to see Robin, we forgot pictures during that visit.  Darn....Glad we went, glad to be home to Ft. Smith.

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