Sunday, June 30, 2024

Zoom Meetings--Hellos and Goodbyes

Monday afternoon, we had a senior district zoom call to formally welcome the Calls to the mission and to introduce them to more of the senior couples serving in the mission.  No photo! :(   One unique thing about the Calls is that they just celebrated their 1st anniversary during the MTC.  They are both from the Pocatello area and met through a connection with one of Sister Call's grandchildren.  They knew when they got married that they wanted to serve a senior mission but thought it would be a few years down the road as they adjusted to married life to each other.  After Elder Rasband's talk last fall, they knew it was their time to serve and now they are here.

On Tuesday, when we had our final Zone Zoom call with the Collins, I remembered to grab a photo.

Ft. Smith and Springdale Zones
It was again a sweet time to hear from President and Sister Collins as they shared their departing testimonies with us.  They reminded the missionaries once again that it was okay to love the Hathaways and love them.  The Collins have done a good job preparing the missionaries for the change of leadership.  Some of the missionaries have been a bit nervous about the change.  That is natural, but it will be good for them all to see the change and to understand that we all serve the best we can in the place we are called to serve.

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