Sunday, January 22, 2023

"Lunch and Cocoa" (Tuesday, January 17th)

We had our zone "Lunch and Cocoa" with a bonus winter treat.  It is a fun way to gather and to get to know each other better in a more casual setting.

Hot chocolate and popcorn

We put "winter scenes and winter music" from YouTube on the screens in the room
to get us all in the winter spirit.  It has been a pretty snowy winter for us so far so
we were already in the right mood for hot chocolate.  However, the Nauvoo Room is in the 
basement and doesn't have windows so we liked our look at outside through technology.

Sister Janet Newbold saw these cute donut snowman and we decided to make them for our Lunch and Cocoa.

PHOTOS FROM LAST WEEK WHEN THEY ASSEMBLED THE SNOWMAN AT OUR WEEKLY LEADERSHIP MEETING: (I wasn't there while they made them as I had to take care of something else.)
Elder Steve Dinger and Gary

Sister Newbold isn't sure what she accidently pushed to get the alien hats on this photo but it made her laugh so she sent it to me----and I sent it to our kids (who loved it) and to Sister Dinger who said it made her laugh out loud!

Sister Janet Newbold and Sister Kathy Jones
With Jena filling in for me

We had 40 cute little snowman and our zone members loved them.  We had extra which we shared with the staff.  Gary and Jena walked around the 4th floor where all of the admin people work and passed them out to "rave reviews."
We love our missionaries and these sweet missionaries who are serving as our assistants.  We have been blessed to serve with some amazing missionaries!

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