Sunday, January 8, 2023

Getting A Milkshake To Ben

Ben was diagnosed with Covid the Thursday after Christmas and put into isolation.  That meant being in a room by yourself--no TV, radio, or computer.  A nurse came and checked on him every 30 minutes or so, but otherwise he was stuck there with not much to do except be sick!!  The staff would take him a portable phone so I talked to him twice a day except for one day when he was especially sick and really unable to talk.  I called once a day to get an update on his progress from a nurse.  He was quite sick for 4-5 days but is making a good recovery.  Today he moved back to his old room with his roommate.  He has to wear a mask when he is on the unit, but he is able to attend groups on the unit now.  He says he has spent most of today talking to people.  After a week of being isolated, I am not surprised.

Anyway, when I heard he was sick, I wanted to do something for him. Of course, he is my son and that is a natural response.  He told me that they didn't have popsicles to cool his throat which was surprising to me.  So I reached out to the doctor to see if I could bring Ben a blizzard and also bringing Creamsicles for the unit.  He thought it was a great idea.

As it turned out, there were a few bumps in the road to making this happened but last Tuesday, things were set for me to make a delivery to the back door.  The only problem was that I had to "hid" the blizzard so they could sneak it into Ben.  Unfortunately, I didn't know that until Dr. Roundy called me as I am driving down to Provo.  So I was trying to figure out a way to hid a Blizzard with stuff I could buy at Smith's.  I ended up putting the Blizzard which didn't have a lid into a zip lock bag into a gift bag packed with grocery sacks to hold it upright and then put into another grocery sack.

When I arrived at the back door, there was a deer guarding the door!
Luckily, he was alone and headed down the building after a minute or two.
Here is the Blizzard getting bagged for the drop off---
Drop off at the door.....
Then I called the nurse and she came and got it and made the "secret delivery" to Ben and shared the Creamies with the unit!  Ben told me that several people told him thank you for the Creamies which is nice.  

Dr. Roundy told me that Ben was the "best" patient during his Covid isolation.  He followed directions from staff and didn't try to "escape" his room.  Ben is a good person, for sure.  I guess it has been a pretty trying week with several clients sick on the unit.

Glad he is doing better!  Covid is not fun!


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