Sunday, January 8, 2023

Jena's Second Devotional

Jena was excited to give her second devotional for our zone and she wanted to do a PowerPoint so she helped me select the graphics after the two of us had written her remarks.  She had decided to do it on service so I set her up on my computer and asked her to pick one of the Church's videos about service to base her talk on.  

She selected a cute one about simple ideas to do each day like introduce yourself to a stranger or pay someone a compliment.  We prepared cards to hand out to our missionaries to give them a task to do that day.  Our missionaries had fun doing them and coming to tell us about what they did.

One of our missionaries commented how confident Jena was as she stood at the pulpit and gave her remarks.  She did great.  She started by saying something like:  "I am Jena and this is my lovely talk." It made me laugh but also I was proud of her.  She was confident!  It just made me grateful for all of life experience's which have led her to this point and all of the people who have been involved in her life.  We have been so blessed by so many who believed in her and in our plans for her future starting way back when she was a toddler!

I wish she could brush her own hair, but that is a small thing compared to all that she has accomplished!

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