Sunday, January 1, 2023

First Presidency Christmas Devotional

How great to be there in person.  The talks were perfect for the season---Sister Bonnie Cordon (one of my favorites), Elder Neil L. Anderson, Elder Jose Teixeira, and  President Dallin Oaks.

Elder Anderson:

“With all the difficulties and uncertainty, for the righteous, for those who trust in God, in the end, whether in this life or when we kneel at His feet, all will be well,” Elder Andersen said. “In our own times of uncertainty, in our days of trouble and difficulty, in our struggles, let us be faithful. Jesus came that holy night. He is the Savior of the world, the Prince of Peace, the King of kings.”

Sister Cordon:

“We can trust in Him even amid sometimes overwhelming circumstances,” she said. “The guidance, even miracles, that come into our lives will probably not be in the hustle and bustle, nor on stages or in stadiums, but in the quiet places where we live and work ― where we go for help. Wherever our humble needs arise, we can and will receive answers to our whispered prayers.”

Elder Teixeira:

"I think of the blessing of finding peace and hope, even amid challenge and trial..[I think also of] the blessing of divine guidance in times of both triumph and despair, the blessing of a greater perspective and purpose, knowing and believing that there is more after  this mortal experience, the blessing of gratitude even when we have less to sustain our needs, the blessing of being comforted when we feel alone and the blessing to be able to give even when we don't possess much.  These and many other blessings we have because of Jesus Christ,

"Because He came, there is meaning to our existence....Because he came, there is hope. He is the Savior of the world and He is our greatest gift." 

President Oaks:

“Christmas is a time to eliminate arrogance and provocation, to subdue criticism, to practice patience, and to de-emphasize differences among people,” President Oaks continued. “We have the incentive to extend sincere fellowship to all persons, those who are and those who are not of our faith.”

Walking home after such an uplifting Devotional was a perfect end to this first Sabbath day of December.

The lights in front of the Church History Library.....
Even one of the cranes is decked out in holiday colors..
We love living in downtown Salt Lake at Christmas time!

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