Sunday, August 11, 2024

Transfer Loop

We headed up to Springdale on Transfer Day for our first transfer loop with Elder and Sister Cummings--they brought fruit, we brought donuts (in honor of Elder Smythe we got donuts from a special shop in Ft. Smith that makes bacon maple bars.  He was suppose to go home, but he and Elder Shields--in an unprecedent move--were extended for one month and were put together as companions.  They have been traveling around serving as training missionaries during this month.  It wasn't announced until that week.  I am sure their moms weren't excited but they have been having the time of their lives.  They were at our recent zone conference and as happy as I have seen them.  And they have been happy missionaries most of their time here.)

Jena liked the one that matched her dress.  Unfortunately, we neglected to get pictures with the Cummings who took the Ellises place in Fayetteville. 

This was a big transfer with most companionships across the mission being changed and lots of the leadership was changed from the older missionaries to the young ones, freeing the more experienced missionaries to train the new and incoming missionaries.

Loading up the trailer....
One more with Sister Witt who headed to Buffalo, MO to serve as trainer for a new missionary.
Goodbyes are always a sweet moment.  These two loved serving together.
Sister Witt with her new companion when they met in Bentonville.  Her companion had just arrived in the mission the day before.
Sister Stephenson wanted a picture with Jena but Gary photo bombed this one.  Fortunately, we got one good one without Gary.
And off we went exploring after we finished the Transfer loop and the visit to the mission office.

This is an old bathhouse and hotel on the shores of a small lake near Bentonville.

Unexpectedly there were many people enjoying the not so hot day by playing in the lake--tubes, boats, and paddle boats.  We were a bit over dressed for the occasion.
How cool our those clouds behind us.
It was a day filled with great clouds as we traveled some more dirt roads to the east of I-49.
Gary caught sight of this mailbox and backed up so I could get a picture.  Not every day you see a saddle on a mailbox.

Sometimes the clouds and the green just match in a peaceful moment.

or two.
It is much easier to appreciate this when you are in an air-conditioned car.  The heat and the humidity can be very intense here in Arkansas in the summer.

That night, we were able to join with our whole mission on a zoom call with the departing missionaries.  We knew many of them and it was wonderful to hear their testimonies and to know a bit about their mission experiences.  We love them and we will miss sharing a bit of life with them when we complete our mission next month.

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