Monday, August 12, 2024

Saturday "Fun"

Because this current week is the end of the semester- Game Nights, we didn't have planning to do on Friday and Saturday, so we decided to head out and visit some cemeteries.  It was an overcast day and had a bit of wind which made the heat and the humidity more tolerable.

We had been wanting to do the Mount Zion Cemetery--because we support Zion, of course.

A Church sign nearby...
And the cemetery---

Some of the sights along the way, here and there.....
Yes, He can and He is the source of Hope.
As we headed into the second cemetery--the Vinita, there were two turkey vultures--we think that is what they are called walking down the gravel road.  One took off, but the other continued walking until we got quite close to him, then he flew off....

Beautiful to see it take flight right in front of us.....
Down another street there was a whole line of posters praising Jesus and honoring Him in this particular way, both on the grainery and along the fence line.

And then another tiny miracle, I got to see a farmer actually moving and unload his hay bales.  I have quite an obsession with this subject as you can tell.....

He noticed us watching and he gave us a wave while he headed off.
A very good Saturday in Arkansas as well!!

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