Sunday, August 25, 2024

How Blessed Are We!

Well, this picture didn't turn out as clear as I had hoped, but it serves its purpose.  Because we are approaching the end of our service here as missionaries, I received a notification asking me if I wished to grant assess to my mission leaders to contact me after our mission is completed.  As I clicked the screen, it pulled up ALL of the mission leaders we have had as senior missionaries.  Oh, how I love these people and how much my life has been blessed to know them and to serve with them.  If you lined them up, you would be amazed how different they are from each other, but also how similar they are--in their faith, their examples of yielding to God, and of dedicated consecrated service (and this applies to all of their counselors as well who were equally valiant and impactful).

So, YES--please allow President and Sister Randall, President and Sister Holmes, President and Sister Collins and President and Sister Hathaway to contact us.  We love them, have prayed for them, and are forever grateful for their impact on us as a threesome and for me personally. We will forever be grateful to having served with you.

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