Sunday, August 11, 2024

South To Mena for Apartment Inspection And Some Sightseeing

As frequently happens on Mondays, we headed south to Waldron to drop off the Mena elders at their car, And then we headed off to some graveyards and some sightseeing before doing their apartment inspection at 6:00 pm.  This time, we also took them to dinner.  Gary promised them if they both stayed that previous transfer that we would take them to dinner.  They stayed so we had dinner with them at a local Mexican restaurant in Mena.

Before that, we went and took photos at the Buffalo Cemetery....

This is the Buffalo Creek which runs besides the cemetery....

The only mushroom we found here....

Gary had identified a waterfall and bridge spot on the map so after finishing the cemetery, we headed south east to try to find it.

However, the route the car's GPS took us went from paved roads to a nice logging road to a dirt road and got worse and worse.  We finally had to turn around (not easy in these country roads) and head back.  You would definitely need a 4-wheel jeep to make it through the ruts and inclines to that particular waterfall....unfortunately that wasn't explained in the note about the waterfall.

It was a beautiful drive nonetheless.
I had to get out of the car at one point to remove some limbs in the road.  As I stepped out I noticed this unusual colored mushroom so went back to get a photo.  Interestingly, there were three right next to each other, but no others anywhere in sight.  I only saw them because Gary had to stop at that place for me to remove the tree.

This was our second try into the forest to reach the waterfall by another road.  It turned out to be worse that our first road.
But you have to appreciate the name of the road--Buck Knob Road.  You don't see that every day.
Since we were in the area and our plans for the waterfall didn't pan out, we decided that we should stop at "Grenade" cemetery and document the grave markers. I am not sure why someone would name their cemetery and the nearby Church "Grenade".  I am sure there is a story somewhere about that.
As we headed towards Mena---some more chickens along the roadway.

Papa's Cafe where we had dinner with Elder Neese and Elder Keyes..

And again we "chased" the sunset as we traveled north home from Mena.

Another blessed day in Arkansas!


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