Monday, August 12, 2024

August MLC Review

We had a great MLC Review--despite the flat tire which Gary had to get fixed during the middle of the meeting so that we could make it home okay.

Playing a round of Musical Chairs to teach the point that competition doesn't encourage or support unity.

An great quote by Neal A. Maxwell who is a master of the "quote",
In closing, we sang with the Tabernacle Choir--the choir was great, but the feeling in the room was magnified as these missionaries sang.
The missionaries all went on a zone Blitz together, going out with a different companion and heading throughout the Ft. Smith and Van Buren areas.  They then headed back to the Church for a dinner of Spaghetti and meatballs, salad, bread, and ice cream.  They all reported having a great day being together and even today at district meeting were talking about their experiences.

Another thing that the zone started this transfer is a daily reading that the whole zone studies--Our focus is on faith and humility.  We all have been assigned a day to pick a conference talk or a portion of scripture to share and then we share our impressions on our zone chat.  It is amazing and I wish that we had done this our whole mission.  These missionaries are so smart and insightful.  I want to be like them when I grow up.

A great Monday!!

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