Sunday, August 4, 2024

The By-Ways Along the Way During Apartment Inspections

We spent a few days visiting our zone's apartments (as well as Prairie Grove)....and here are some of the photos I took along the way...

Don't want to miss a good Church sign....

And randomly, we found a James road sign which matched the Scarlett one we found a month or so ago.  Not sure how it lucked out for Scott's two kids to both have road signs in NW Arkansas, but it was fun for them.
I had heard about the Cherokee Prairie Natural Area so after doing the inspection in Greenwood, we headed up to find it.
This is a national forest service area protected to keep the natural prairieland of the area.  It is a wonderful spot to watch the changes in the wildflowers.  July isn't the best time for that, but we did see a few even in the heat.
How the land existed before we (meaning humans) came to live here.....

And flowers are always a bonus....

On our way home, we saw a sign for a dock on the Arkansas river so we decided to try it out.  

As a result, I got to fill one of my Arkansas bucket list items--to actually touch the water of the Arkansas River.
I love the sound of the river and the waves bumping the shore...not the ocean, but a pleasant sound nonetheless.
This is the picnic areas along the river at this point.
Loves the ivy growing up this tree along the river bank....
And a stump---the stories this stump could tell about the generations it grew here. I wondered if it had fallen during the storms this summer which led to it being cut the rest of the way down.
It is awesome to have a slower paced life ---when it isn't busy which also happens--and we can enjoy the beauties of the world around us.

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