Sunday, August 4, 2024

Our 2nd To Last Round of Apartment Inspections

Wednesday morning, July 17th, Jena went to work on our signs for the missionaries.  With the hot weather, we decided to base our notes on water--
Watermelon is great on a hot day...
But don't forget the source of Living Water!

We gave each set of missionaries a small watermelon and some bottles of water as their treat.
The posters included some quotes related to Jesus Christ and water.

Photo moment with the Ft. Smith Hermanas and Sisters....oh, how we love these cute sisters

Hermana Beagley, Sister Witt, Sister Cherrington, Hermana Gray
It is great to visit these sweet missionaries and to spend a few moments with them in the places they live.  Overall, they do a great job in cleaning their apartments for inspections.

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