Sunday, August 11, 2024

Journey Home from Fayetteville

As usual, we took the long way home after dinner with the Cummings.....

An old rock building that you see throughout western Arkansas.
I try to capture these Church signs when I can.
The sun was starting to set and with the lay of the land and the multitude of small hills, it could be in the sky or just below the horizon and then back in the sky.... 

Under the category of the "things people put in their yards"---
And the "loval" crime watch guy!

Traveling south and west afforded us many looks at the sunset which included at the crossing over of the Arkansas River on Hwy. 59.
The bridge is the train bridge to the west.

How awesome that the way the earth was created allows for these beautiful displays in the skies--on most nights anyway (today has been rainy and there probably won't be much of a sunset.)!


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