Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Off To Tacoma

for a few days with Tosha and kids.  Austen has been away for training for 6 weeks and she was supposed to work two big weddings last weekend.  So she asked if Jena and I could come and watch the kids while she worked her 12-14 hour days.  It turned out that one of the weddings was moved to the following Sunday so we actually were able to spend a bit more time with Tosha than we expected although she did have to attend a wedding rehearsal meeting for a wedding this next weekend.  It was fast but a fun time to spend with Niki, Cooper, and Ava.

We watched movies snuggled under blankets.

We played with toys.  The kids loved it when Aunt Jena would play just with them with the play kitchen or the paw patrol cars.

We played with play dough---


Cooper and Ava wanted pictures of their creations

Jena played dress-up with them...

On one of our walks, when it wasn't raining, we found a Little Free Library.
We made a couple of trips to the park.....

Niki wanted a selfie with me, so couldn't say no to that!  Even with wild hair.

Niki and I played basketball as the sun was setting--hence the long shadows.  We practiced different types of passes and dribbling.

We played games (of course---they are part Giberson after all!)
Jena took these pictures and told us to do silly faces.  All of us stuck out our tongues as part of our silly faces (Gary would say, another Giberson trait.)

On Monday, I walked with Niki to school and we took this picture in front of his school.  Saying goodbye is not easy for either of us.
I decided to get selfies with the other kids as well.  I know that they don't care about my hair at all.

See you later, alligator--my sweet ones....

After awhile, crocodile!

And, Tosha, why is it we didn't take any pictures of you!!! Next time.

While we were having all of this fun, Austen was in Arlington, Texas for a Rangers Game.  He and several other airman from his training class took the 2 hour drive down to see the game.

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