Sunday, May 1, 2022

And The Work Marches On

We love our mission and we actually enjoy serving as zone leaders.  It totally has shaped our service in unique and good ways.  However, sometimes it just is hard.  Dealing with people and helping them feel a part and able to serve in meaningful ways can be challenging.  And when those people are mostly over 70 years old, health becomes a factor as well.

This past week was filled with all sorts of health challenges--some were quick fixes and some are life changing for the missionaries involved.  It has been a complex and hard week in many ways.  By Friday night, we both were exhausted.

It wasn't all hard and difficult.  We had a sweet oral history with President and Sister Ackerman who served in the New Mexico Farmington Mission---AMAZING! We got two new missionaries-- Sister Paula and Elder Jon Fuller who will be serving with the Latin American team.  They were pre-assigned and have already had some training.  They are leaving next week for a month in Chile doing oral histories. They are great people with an amazing set of life experiences.  It was a joy to get to know them better.

We also helped several missionaries move in on Friday and then on Saturday.  It was exciting to see their excitement to join our mission as full-time missionaries.

Today we had a Break the Fast at Brigham Apartment and had great conversations with the other missionaries.  It is such a privilege to share our journey with them all.

So missions are like life.  Good days and hard--sweet experiences and sadness--the sweet and the bitter always intertwined in the fabric of life.  Not a fan of the bitter, but truly know that it helps us love the sweet even more!

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