Sunday, September 6, 2020


Have I mentioned how making plans doesn't always work out?

Yea, I thought so.  Yesterday was another example and yet it turned out to be a sweet day, nevertheless.

We had plans to get tasks done around the house then go see Mary Poppins at the Hale Theatre and then come home and work some more in the basement.  After all, Rick and Linda and Duncan will be here to spend the night on Wednesday and I wanted it all done (not that they care.  They are flexible and will make do with whatever.)

We did an early dump run and went to Home Depot for things for the basement.  Gary then headed to his mom's house to finish a task with her sprinklers.  I headed to bed because I was having some migraine auras--a problem this past few weeks again. After sleeping for an hour and half, I had just started working downstairs when Gary came home.  He was worried about his mom's cough and thought I should come and listen to it and convince her to go to the doctor's.

She didn't take any convincing as she was ready to go when we got back.  We ended up taking her to our clinic's Instacare because where she went wasn't open.  Luckily one of our family doctors was working so that was nice as we settled into the whole Covid routine.  You don't walk into a clinic with a cough these days.  We had to sit in the car until we were called in and then went to an exam room that you can only entered from outside of the clinic.  Depending on the need, some people actually meet with the doctor in their cars.  Weird world we live in at the moment.

Long story short--he feels she has congestive heart failure and put her on O2 and wants to do some follow up stuff to make sure she is feeling comfortable and can do the things she wants to do at this point in her life.  It took a while for everything after waiting for a negative Covid test (she can cross that off her bucket list).

So we were keeping his sisters up to date during the day and his sister, Vonette, and her husband came down to spend the night with her--so we all played games for several hours waiting for the O2 to be delivered...and that was the part that was sweet.  Sitting at her dining room table playing card games with the four of them and looking out the window at her pretty backyard was the perfect way to spend a Labor Day Saturday afternoon and evening.  We all paused our lives and hung out together and it was sweet!

Sometimes I don't plan enough of those pauses and allow myself to enjoy the sweetness of them.  So except for Mom's bad cough and poor heart and having to go to the doctor at all--it was a great day.

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