Sunday, September 6, 2020

Game Afternoon

When I was watching Jessica's kids a few weeks ago, Liam asked me a number of times to play a game with him.  There was no way to make that work with three little ones running around at the same time.  Liam went to bed before the girls went to sleep and during their naps was his only time on his tablet which he didn't want to use for game playing. So no games got played those four days.

Instead, I picked him up from school on Friday (after his first full week in kindergarten which he LOVES.) and brought him to our house for an afternoon of game playing.  And play we did--with Aunt Jena joining us for most of them.

We had lunch on the deck and then started playing games and more games.  We played those on this stack except for Uno and then had fun with dominoes.

Candyland photo--the dogs thought they were part of the fun.
There are lots of fun ways to play with dominoes. 

We had brought stuff to make cookies as well, but Liam wanted to stick to playing games although we did watch a little TV at the end of the afternoon.  It was fun and Liam told his family that he had an awesome time.

Have I mentioned that I love being a grandma!! 

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