Sunday, September 20, 2020


During the Covid pandemic, you almost feel guilty if you cough in public, but there are lots of reasons people cough--colds, flus, allergies, windstorms and of course, Covid.  My sweet mother-in-law had been coughing for a couple of weeks and it wasn't getting better.  Trips to the doctor just led to a bunch of tests being ordered and an follow up appointment in 6 weeks.  That doesn't feel good when your cough is not getting better.

In a weird way, her terrible night which led to her hospital stay was an answer to our prayers to find answers quickly that would help her not cough and let her body and her mind rest at night and during the day.  It is hard to have someone you love in the hospital especially an important person like your mother or mother-in-law.  I am glad that Gary and I felt the same need to head home a few days early to be here and be near by. 

Despite rules which we didn't know (only two visitors the entire hospital stay), Gary was able to visit his mother on Tuesday and on Wednesday.  Charon and Vonette had been trading off during the prior two days and they continued to do that with Gary as well.  His sisters were great to support mom and to interface with the doctors. It was hard for me not to visit, but I was grateful that Gary was able to as well as his sisters.  She was in ICU until Wednesday afternoon when she was discharged.  She was so happy to go home and to stop the sodium free diet they had her on at the hospital.

And she was discharged into a different reality as it was determined that not only was she experiencing congestive heart failure, but there was spots of cancer in her lungs and her spine.  Due to her age and overall health and the fact that she has already faced and conquered 7 different kinds of cancer in her life, she chose to go on hospice and to enjoy her life (French fries and Coke when desired). Truly not what we were expecting, but so grateful to know now instead of 6 weeks from now and so glad for the things that were done that have improved her breathing and reduced her coughing.

Today (Sunday) we went to share the Sacrament with her and it was nice to see her and also feel the sweet spirit that her home is filled with right now.  There is a calmness and peace there which is awesome and a reflection of the type of life she has lived up until now and I know will continue.  She reported that her phone has been busy with calls from friends and family and her calendar is booked with visits.  One of Gary's cousins came to visit with his wife while we were there and it was fun as they shared memories together.  What a blessing for her and for us to share some time like this and for her to see a bit what she has "sown" throughout her life of love and service!

And here we are--plans changed once again!

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