Sunday, September 6, 2020


From a Facebook post last week:

In the process of de-junking and preparing our house as we prepare to serve our mission. I Googled "what to do with old encyclopedias"?

I can remember how excited I was when we could finally afford our own set in 1988. I was raised with World Book encyclopedias and spent many hours with them doing school reports and projects. And one of the best things were the hot summer days when there was nothing to do and my siblings and I would read through them and share random weird facts. I loved how when you opened an encyclopedia to look something up, you would get distracted by other interesting entries along the way.
But now we have the internet and encyclopedias can't keep up with the "newest" information. So what does the internet say about old one uses them. They are difficult to recycle, very few places want them, and the best suggestions were websites dedicated to craft ideas using old encyclopedias.
Anyone want a set of 1988 World Book encyclopedias for craft projects???"

And I got a number of responses from people with their own encyclopedia memories (including my brother, Todd) and other people who wanted them for a variety of reasons. Happily, one of the people who wanted them was Jessica. It made me so happy that she loved them to and had good memories of them. Made the sacrifice to buy them years ago worth it. (It is true--weird things make moms happy!)

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