Sunday, September 6, 2020

Jena and the Baby Quilt

Despite my goal of doing nothing not necessary during the months before our mission (meaning other than  family things or house prep), when we heard that Kalie Watson Jolley was expecting her first baby in September, I immediately knew that Jena should make a quilt for the baby. Kalie is a dear friend of Jena's especially as they were young adults and her family are close friends of ours.  Jena likes to sew and has seen me make baby quilts for the grandkids, so she thought it was a great idea.  We found out that Kalie liked pinks and greys and headed off shopping for the appropriate materials.  It took a bit but we finally found some baby flannel fabrics in patterns that Jena liked.  Jena washed the material and then the project sat......trips, visitors, work, life interfered with my good intentions of getting the quilt made prior to August.

Jena and I worked hard together to make the quilt perfect for the new little one who actually had arrived 5 weeks early due to pregnancy complications.  It became even more important that we get the quilt done quickly.  Baby Kendall was very sick and has been in the hospital since her birth.  A few weeks ago, she was moved to Primary's Children Hospital for more specialized care.

Piece by piece, Jena sewed with some backup from me.  She did as much of the quilt that she could by herself because this was her gift to Kalie and Kendall.

After Jena completed the top, we had to use a back-up plan for the machine quilting, because our neighbor who was going to do it, became sick with Covid and had to quarantine for 2 weeks.  Luckily I have an amazing and talented friend who lived down in Mapleton who was willing to do it on the following Monday.  We got to stay and watch her sewing it on her big machine.  Jena picked the hearts for the pattern which is perfect for Baby Kendall.  Lots of people are loving her already even though only her mom and dad can see her in person at the hospital.

(I thought I took a photo of Sandy Lai and Jena with the quilt machine, but I guess not.  Thanks, Sandy, it looks awesome.)

The finished quilt
Wrapped up to be delivered....
Jena wrote a little note on the quilt-- Welcome Kendall (heart) Jena.  Kalie said that was her favorite part although she loved the whole quilt.  I thought it was a perfect touch.
It looks like Kendall's journey on earth is going to look different than planned.  But it will be okay, because she will be loved by so many people and one of them will always be Jena! And she has a signed quilt to prove it!

Nice job, Jena.  You are a good friend to Kalie and Eric.


Robynn said...

Jena, I love the baby quilt you made. It’s easy to tell how much love went into your project. It’s beautiful! Love, sister Thiot.

Robynn said...

Jena, I love the baby quilt you made. It’s easy to tell how much love went into your project. It’s beautiful! Love, sister Thiot.