Sunday, June 28, 2020

Overnighter for the Utah Hall Grandchildren

On June 20 and 21st, the four Utah Hall children spent the night at our house while Jessica and Elessia were doing some major sorting and reorganizing.  They are preparing to sell their house in the fall when they move into our house for the duration of our mission (someone has to take care of the dogs.)  We got the four kids for lots of outside time and also cupcake making (Zander's request.)

We did the usual swinging, jumping on the trampoline, playing in the sand, stuff--

Liam built a fort in the sand and made flags for his towers out of leaves and sticks.

Carter liked her type of tower inside--
 Jena posing for a photo--
Liam was into building castles so here is a block castle with a moat (aka blue towels) around it.  He thought he was so clever.
Zander asked for a picture as he was waiting for the baking to begin--
Licking the beaters is the time approved reward for the helpers, right?  (Although I think we are not suppose to eat cake batter.)
Dinner outside on the porch with Uncle Ben---notice that they are all sitting on the adult chairs not the cute little children's table behind Ben..
More trampoline fun with Uncle Ben---
Then we frosted the cupcakes---
Alex--who thinks she is as big as the boys--refuses to use the stairs on the other side but figured out the way to scale the wall despite it being built for bigger kids.  Another option she likes is climbing up the blue slide.........
We stayed up a bit late watching a movie and all of the kids went right to bed, except for Carter who was up until 11:30 and then Alex was awake around 5:30---luckily just one night!!!  There are many reasons that young people usually have young children---

Again, it was so quiet when they all left the next day and I found myself looking for them after they were gone.  Being a grandmother is pretty fun business.

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