Sunday, June 7, 2020


We are lucky because Liam lives nearby us so we were able to get together with him and his family the day after his birthday for lunch and opening of presents.  He had already had his birthday wish to spend the night overnight in a tent come true as he, Jessica, and Zander spent the night of his birthday in their backyard.

It is hard to believe that now I have three grandchildren who are five years old.  (This is the magic time of the year when I have three grandchildren who are five, three who are three, and three who are one.  It only lasts about 6 weeks until Scarlett and then Niki turn 6.)

Although first Liam's wish was that they could come to our house, at the last minute, that wasn't possible, so we rearranged to meet at the Layton Park where there were shade trees.

We had a picnic lunch, played with bubbles, and then took a walk around the pond.

Of course, we had to open a few presents first.
Layton Park has a duck pond for which it is famous, so I guess that is why this recent addition of a duck family statue at the southeast corner of the park.
Liam was very excited to get his first sets of real Legos for his birthday.  Aunt Jena even gave him a set in his current favorite color--green.
It was very important to Liam that his Uncle Ben came to his party---
Zander was excited to have his photo taken today.

Carter even posed for a picture.
She and Ben took a walk across the grass.

Jena and Liam worked together to blow bubbles in the wind at the park--

 Meanwhile, Alex's attention was drawn to the shiny bow on one of LIam's gifts.
It was a gorgeous day, although it turned out to be the hottest day on record for June 5-100 degrees. 
Glad that there were so many trees in this mature park in Layton.
Walking with two toddlers is not a fast process.
We were the lead group with Liam riding his brand new birthday bike and Zander determined to be in the lead.
We took a break in the shade while we waited for the slower group.
Bridges are always fun.  Alex loved watching the water.
The geese and ducks of the park---I missed the photo of the seagulls.  While we were eating, we were surrounded by four gulls, one on each side, who were just waiting for any encouragement to come and grab our food.  They were pretty aggressive.

It was such a fun time walking around the park and being together. 

We headed home afterwards with a stop for cold drinks at a nearby Burger Stop.  Jessica and Elessia and gang headed to Lagoon to get their seasons passes and maybe try out the park for a bit if there was still room.  They ended up staying until almost 8:00 that night.  All of their kids loved it including the twins.

That was one long day but one very happy "5 year old." (I think everyone else who had celebrated with him was also happy, tired, but happy!)  Summers are a great time to have a birthday.

Love you, Liam, and so glad to have you in our family!

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