Sunday, June 7, 2020

Changes in the Morning Walk

Although I continue to walk at Jensen Pond Park in southeast Syracuse, I have been trying a variety of different routes to add variety and to develop some paths which are specific lengths of time.  Off and on for years, I have taken the same route because I knew it was right around 30 minutes which was usually my goal.  Now I am trying to walk 45 minutes or an hour but I don't want to loop around the same route so I have been exploring different paths.

These were taken traveling further west on Gentile
view to the southeast
to the west

This new path travels south of the man-made lake that was put in as part of an expensive subdivision.  I remember how we couldn't believe that someone who actually do that, especially here where there is a high water table and SO many mosquitos.  But they did and some big houses have been built along its edges.
This week the water was so still that you got almost perfect reflections in the water.
The lake is actually horseshoe shape although only a huge water pipe joins the two sides.  It is all about the water skiing from your back porch.  (This photo was taken in April of this year. Can you see the skier between the two trees?)

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