Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Sunday That Started At Church...

Actually today was the second Sunday that I have been able to attend Church for a shortened worship services.  Our stake began at the beginning of June allowing us to meet for Sacrament Meeting only.  Our ward was divided into three groups so we meet every third Sunday.  We are the A-I group. 

The first of the month I went by myself as Gary had to quarantine due to his colonoscopy the next day.  It was a sweet feeling to enter into the Chapel after three months of no in-person meetings.  Things were different with so few people in the Chapel.  It was so quiet, it felt like everyone could hear your stomach rumbling from fasting.  (It was like a singles ward at BYU. ) People all wore masks.  There were no hymn books in the pews.  Every other pew was blocked off to allow for social distancing.  They also made adjustments in passing the sacrament in that only the deacon held the tray and the cups for the water were spaced apart on the tray and throw away in a white bowl that the deacon was carrying.

Today was the same although we had about half the number of people there.  It was around 80 last time and I think Gary counted 30 or so this morning.

The parking lot when we arrived at Church
Here is the interesting sign posted in the lobby of the building. It can be a new game--guess what this means?  Summary--don't touch anything, don't use anything, social distance!
Some times you know you are in a part of history--2020 is one such time!


Lynette Giberson said...

That's just about how it was for my ward. The way the Sacrement was past. They had a piece of bread inside individual cups. 1 Priest blessing The Sacrement. There were only 26 people in the Sacrement Meeting that I went to. Sometime during the following week AFTER going to church on June 14th there was a spike in Covid cases. So on June 20th they cancelled church for our area. And we do not know when we will have church again.

Gemie said...

Jerry went two weeks ago. I am in no hurry to get back to Church. If you remember Dan and Debra Morris'son Michael Richardson, he is a Dallas Policeman, who has Covid. We also have one of our Plano Bishop's who has Covid. Scary times. You guys are brave!