Sunday, September 8, 2024

YSA Family Night- Fiesta Fun (August 19)

Yes, I am that far behind in recording in the blog.  I have to catch up because we are coming to the end of our time in Arkansas and I don't want to be behind when we get back to Syracuse.  There will be too much happening before and after arriving home to be behind now.

We had a fun family night with the branch filled with yummy sweet pork burritos and some fun cleaning and laundry hints for the yong adults.  We ended with a game run by Karina which was fun to see her take the lead on the activity.

Karina leading Bingo

Prizes for Bingo were these fun photos of the Bentonville Temple taken by Taylor Crockett, the branch president of the Spanish branch.

Jena, Karina, and Melannie...

The moon was gorgeous over the (power plant next to the Church) horizon as we left the Church that night. 
The Mena branch has a beautiful lake next to their building and we have this power station!!! :(

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