Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Our" Silver Bridge

North of Mulberry, we had found The Silver Bridge, although when we first found it, it really wasn't very silver any more.  It was a one lane bridge crossing the Mulberry River.  Back earlier in our mission, we shared it with Sis. Davis when she was resting her broken foot.  However, when we took our friend, Dick Thiot there last September, we discovered it was being replaced by a two-lane bridge.  Undoubtably, they need it, but it was sad to see that iconic (to us) bridge being taken down.

The news article about the replacement bridge said it should be done by the end of August 2024 so we made a swing by there on our way to Clarksville one day.

This is what we found.....

Not going to be done before we leave Ft. Smith.  We will have to check on it on another visit to Arkansas in the future.
It is just going to be one of those boring "road-like" bridges with none of the personality of arches or metal work.

How it used to look-----

Sister Davis with Jena
Disappointing...but I am sure the people in the ranches and farms along this road will be grateful for the two-lane bridge when it is done.

The newspaper article also said that a group has bought the old bridge and they are planning to rebuild it in the Mulberry City Park and make it a pedestrian bridge across the river.  Right now the pieces are being stored while they are raising money to complete the project. That makes me happy.


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