Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sweet Tender Mercies

 Although the stake/mission calendar had indicated that we were having a visiting authority for Stake Conference, there had been no advertisement on who it was.  That is somewhat odd, but you don't come or not come based on the visiting authority.

So when we walked into the leadership training meeting, the person on the stand looked slightly familiar but I couldn't place him---until they introduced him-- "Richard Youngblood." He and his wife were one of our earliest interviews at the Church History Library.  They had served as mission leaders in the Nevada Las Vegas Mission in 2017-2000 or close to that.  After the Saturday meetings, we introduced ourselves to him and he said also that he recognized us but couldn't place from where until I said our names.  It was a sweet connection.  Of all of the stakes he could have been assigned to in the south eastern area, what a blessing that he was sent to the one we were at.

But it got better---after the Sunday general session, we were standing near him with our stake president, when one of our young adults came up to him--Fred Brandli.  As soon as Elder Youngblood saw him, he reached out to embrace him as Fred started to ask--"Do you remember me, President?"  Of course he does.  How a big tender mercy for both of them and for us watching.  Fred had served in Las Vegas on his mission.  He is new to our ward and we had never even thought to ask about his mission president.

We also got to hear from President and Sister Nelson of the ABM mission presidency.  Although we had met them a few times, we had never heard them spoke.  They live up in Springfield, MO area and service that end of the mission.  We know they are amazing because the missionaries love them, but we just haven't had much time with them.  We got a picture with most of the missionaries with them.

Gary was off somewhere and missed the photo op  (He was not sorry about that.)

It was a great two days of meeting with Elder Youngblood and our great stake presidency.  Glad we had that opportunity one more time.

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