Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mission Tour with Elder Craig Christensen and Elder Buckner and his Wife

On Monday, we made another trip to Bentonville--this time for our mission tour with Elder Craig Christensen and Elder Buckner and his wife.  We met with the Bentonville and Springdale Zones only this time.  Not only did we have great meetings and instruction from them--which included questions and answers, they also served a lunch which was fun.

Elder Christensen shared the "margin" idea of trying a line demarking a wider margin area on our notebooks and put impressions and thoughts and feelings on that side of the page.  I like that idea and will try it more frequently.  If I remember correctly, it was an idea he heard from Elder Bednar.

Jena and I sat with the sisters in our Zone.
Sister Davis, Sister Rigby, Sister Cherrington, Sister Beagley, Sister Costley
Sister Larsen and Jena.

Jena got invited into a shot with some Sister
missionaries we know from the Springdale zone
You have some very great days as a missionary and we just had about six back to back to back great days of instruction and connection with missionaries--old and young and with our stake.  What a highlight reel this will make!

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