Sunday, September 15, 2024

On the Way To Mena (September 2)

We did some more exploring--found this lake.....

We spent some time in the Mena cemetery--Pinecrest.  It has been a sweet experience to take photos of grave markers while we have been here.  Gary says that we have taken over 5000 different photos which he has added if needed to Find A Grave and then many of them he has worked to make sure they were connected correctly in Family Search.  Just this past week, he was able to add a infant daughter to a family who died at five days old--then a year or so later the family had another daughter and gave her the exact same name...odd, but now both Sarahs will be sealed to their parents.

And then this very pretty lake with a waterfall, but when we stopped to walk around, there were big signs saying stay out unless you were a guest of the nearby resort.  That isn't any fun.

We saw more deer than we normally find including this herd in a pasture.

And of course, we found more chickens...on the mail box
And this yard full of chickens and other stuff....

I love this blue chick
and of course the chicken.
And this was in the same yard, but I just loved the colors.
Countryside Arkansas just delights me.  Almost always we find some unusual in our travels.  I will miss that, too.

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