Sunday, September 15, 2024

Happy Birthday...Elder Crawford And Conductor (President) Anderton

We took Elder Crawford and his companion, our great district leader, Elder Andersen, to dinner at the Pad Thai...sitting in our usual seats.  They loved it, too.

Then on September 1, we had Break the Fast and celebrated the birthdays from August and September which is the tradition.  President Anderton loves trains like we do, so we centered it around trains.  Thank heavens for the internet to find cute birthday train set without running all over town.

Each flag represented someone having a birthday

Break the Fast food.....

President Anderton with his conductor hat which he wears when they volunteer on a local train ride through NW Arkansas.  That is where we met them the first time about an year ago when we went to celebrate Gary and Jena's birthdays.

Sweet memories!  And the cupcakes which were from Wal-Mart were amazingly yummy.

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