Sunday, September 15, 2024

Our "Last" Transfer Loop

Sunrise as we are heading up to Springdale for transfer loop.  This was Sister Ellis's great idea to bring some treats to transfer loop where the missionaries are dropped off and moved around to their new areas.  It is so fun to be there, to see old friends, and sometimes to meet the new companions who arrive on the transfer van.  Sometimes the missionaries have to wait at the stake center until 3 or 4:00 pm for their new companions if they are coming from the northern areas. A extra muffin or donut and some fruit is always a good addition to their morning breakfast which for the Ft. Smith missionaries was around 6:30 in the morning.

With Hermana Boren and Hermana Beagley
Sister Beagley was finally leaving Ft. Smith after
being here since January.  Sister Boren was
one of her trainers when she first arrived.

Chocolate milk is probably the favorite although
donuts were a hit as well.

Elder Handley with his new companion-
one last picture for the Horrocks family
from his hometown.
We head up to Bentonville after the van and transport truck leave Springdale.  Here is the line-up as each missionary has to make sure that all of their stuff gets in the trailer.  Notice that they also have gained some stuff since their arrival in the mission.  None of them came from the airport with a garbage stack of stuff!
There were other missionaries here that we love and had to say goodbye to ONE last time.  Good that we will have mission reunions to reconnect with these great missionaries who have served in Ft. Smith and in the ABM.  The list of "lasts" continues to grow......

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