Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dollar General

Even more than Wal-Mart which is everywhere in NW Arkansas--there is Dollar General--your basic dollar store where things cost more than a dollar these days. They can be found in the smallest towns here as well as several in the bigger cities.  This one is just down the street from our apartment and we had never taken the opportunity to stop there.  However, we needed picture frames for a Family Night "prize," and people said I could get cheap ones there.  No luck--they were all $5 or more and I knew that I had seen some at Wal-Mart cheaper.  So Jena and I headed to Wal-Mart and did find some on sell for $2.50-2.90. Yay!!

While doing the driving that day--I realized that we had passed the 50000 mark on our 2023 car during the storms the night before as we headed home from Bentonville.  So here is the 50051 mark!  (It is now 2 weeks later and we are already almost to 50300--slower weeks :) )

Miles fly by when you are having fun!

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