Monday, May 11, 2015

Family Pictures 2015

Once Tosha and Austen announced they were coming home before leaving for Japan, I wanted to do a family photo.  However I felt like Jessica had the final word.  After all she was 34 weeks pregnant at the time.  After pondering it for a couple of days, she agreed and we gathered on the morning of April 18th for pictures in East Layton.  I posted a couple of ones that I took on that day, but these are the "real" ones to share and treasure forever.  I do not know while I am "obsessed" with family pictures but I just feel every 3-5 years you should do it.  Our last ones were in 2015 so it was about time.  Thanks to everyone for making it work and to Ashlee Hair who took the pictures.

Again--don't feel that you need to look at all of these pictures.  This is mostly for family history purposes (and these kids are so cute!)

You will likely see this as our 2015 Christmas card photo--
I know I didn't get Christmas cards out in 2014, but I
have hope that this year I might be successful.

Since we were using a couch in the middle of a field, I wanted
a picture of us with our kids peeking out behind it.
Ashley took this one while we were waiting for the kids
to get ready......

Unfortunately, Ben's eyes were closed in each of these shots, but
this was the idea.  Maybe next time!

Gary and I

Jessica and Elessia
(with little Liam not here yet!)
Scott and Chantel with Scarlett

Tosha, Austen, and Niki

The quilt in the background is
the one that my mother made
for me when I left for BYU.
It is made from many of the
fabrics she had made clothes out of
for me.

The Grandkids get their own special post of pictures! 


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