Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Late Winter Walk...

Usually on March 1st, I try again to start walking several mornings a week.  In the years since moving to Utah, I found I just waasn't good at walking in the snow and ice, so I don't walk in the winter, but March 1st is always my "try again date".  We have had a spell of warm weather so it has been great to be outside.  On Monday, I had such a great walk and there were so many birds that I decided to take pictures of my walk on Tuesday.  I actually didn't see as many birds but I heard them singing, chirping, honkong, and quacking all around me.  Sorry I can't included the songs from my walk on a post.  (By the way, I include pictures of these types of things because I want them included as I publish this blog in print at the end of the year.  They tell me that I can do it. You really don't need to view the pictures from my winter walk.)

I walk at Jensen Park which is a area about a mile south of our house and the southeast part of Syracuse (and yes, I do drive down to it to start my walk which Gary thinks is funny, but I want to use my walking time to walk the trails not the sidewalks of my neighborhood.)

Here are some of the sights as I walk a trail that makes a square around the southeast edge of the park.  Here is the view to the west from the parking lot where I start.  It was a cloudy morning, but that is Antelope Island in the background.

A bit of frost still on the plants in the morning.  It isn't quite spring yet.

This is a shot of the trail as I was walking east toward the Wasatch Peaks of the Rocky Mountains.  I was walking around 8:00 in the morning.

A old fence at the northeast cornor of my walk.  I like old fences even if they are falling down.

Another picture to the west from the southeast corner of my walk.  You can see more clearly the snow on the mountain at Antelope Island.

Trying to be a bit artsy with the camera.  That is an old metal shed in the background.

Not everything is pretty along the southern edge of the walk.  This is a deserted cattle feedlot, I guess.  But even these meetings remind me of the historical background of Syracuse and the surrounding areas and there are still horses and cattle that graze all through these fields.
I must have missed taking pictures up the west side of my walk.  This is a view of the nesting boxes throughout the area surrounding the large man=made fishing hole at Jensen Pond.  Note of trivia:  Gary served on the citizen committee for this project, deciding important things like what colors should the signs be, etc.  Our ward did several service projects and  Eagle projects to help complete areas of the Park.  It is still being added to.  Actually these might be the actual bird boxes one of our Scout troops worked on.

I promised a bird and here he is.

I love this bridge and no matter which trails I take I try to end my walk by crossing this bridge and checking out that wildlife.  Even this early in the season there were three fishermen trying their luck.  Jena really wants to fish here sometime.  Hope to get it on the list this year.

View to the west off the bridge

View to the east off the bridge.  The sun is peeking out from the clouds.

More birds.  It is fun to live in a place again where you hear the ducks and geese as they travel north and south each year.

(You know where you hold the camera out and take your own picture.)

I hope you enjoyed my walk at Jensen Pond, Syracuse, UT.
Join me in person sometime.

(I hope this looks okay when I post it.  I don't know how to make the pictures and the text flow together when it posts.)

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