Sunday, November 22, 2020

Life and the Weekend

Friday (Nov. 6), Jessica called to tell us that Elessia and Carter were heading up to Primary Children's Hospital because Carter was struggling to keep her oxygen levels up and was struggling to breath.  In addition, her heart rate was very high so their doctor had told them to go to the ER.  Jessica left work and grabbed the other kids and they came and spent the afternoon with us--just in case Jessica needed to go up to the hospital as well.  The kids haven't been at our house very much due to the pandemic so they were excited and we were happy to see them, although worried about Carter.

Fortunately, after a couple of hours, everything improved and she was able to come home in the early evening.  It is part of the mystery of Carter that she can have these O2 problems and then they resolve themselves or she gets sick and quickly needs to be in the hospital.  The following week she had more tests which showed that her heart and her throat are fine.  However, she does have sleep apnea and is aspirating fluid when she swallows so they are now thickening her fluids.  Hopefully that will help, but they still don't know if there is something else going on or not.  Fortunately, she is a happy girl and deals with all of the stuff in pretty good spirits, even wearing O2 to sleep---most of the time.

Saturday was our P-day and we hurried to clean the house and then headed down to Magna to hang out with the grandkids while Jessica and Elessia headed up to Park City to pick up something for work.

We built a blanket fort in their bedroom between their bunkbed and Alex's crib.

They are inside waiting to "scare" Jena and I.
We had to rebuild several times--but that is the way with kids and blanket forts!

I loved making forts when I was a kid, when I was the mom, and it is still great when you are the grandma!  Some things are just timeless!

We changed clothes at Jessica's and headed up to Centerville to Centerpoint Theatre.  Not to see a play--they haven't started back with plays yet, but to take part in a special filming for Friend to Friend.  In case you don't remember, Friend to Friend is the community group for children and adults with disabilities which is put on by volunteers at the theatre.  Normally they meet each Friday and practice, first for their Christmas program and then for a musical that they perform in June.  Jena loves it.  However, this is not normal times and they are unable to meet.  So the volunteers created this great idea.  They sent us two videos so Jena could practice the numbers and then they set up appointments for individual film of each of the Friend to Friend group.  They are going to compile them and make a Christmas video that we can share with family and friends.  Be watching for that in December sometime.  You won't want to miss it.

This afternoon was Jena's turn to be filmed.  They had about 10 volunteers there in different rooms, all with masks and cleaning everything and social distancing.  It was very organized.  And they all know and love Jena so she felt like a star from the minute she walked in until they left.  She was so thrilled to see them and to share elbow bumps with them.

Not the best picture, but an example of the smiles--Jena loved it as they moved from one set to the other to perform the dances....

Getting her hat on for the middle---
Waiting to start her final number which was a sign language one----
To see her interact with these volunteers who clearly love her and miss being with her made me cry.  Jena had missed so much of her life during Covid and the amazing people that she loves.  She has been amazing with it--but I know it matters to her when I see her joy at these brief moments of interactions.  So grateful for all the work they did and are doing to make a Christmas program 2020 a time to never forget.

Stay tuned for the video!

1 comment:

Lynette Giberson said...

I love the fort. Jena continues to amaze me at all things she does. She has many talents. Which in part can be attributed to how she was raised and the many opportunities afforded her.So proud of her and all her accomplishments.