Sunday, November 1, 2020

October 25th--the Day I Have Waiting for (and Gary, too)

When we started this and I would think about giving our traditional "going on a mission talks," one thing I didn't want to do is to speak the day before we started the MTC.  In fact, I was hoping to speak in September, so we had "that out of the way." However, our bishop at the time didn't ask us to speak then, although he did assign our topics and asked us to speak on October 18 and 25 (at the time we were still divided into three groups for Sacrament meeting.) fairly early in September.  Then our ward started broadcasting Sacrament Meeting and we ended up speaking on October 25th and really, I can't imagine it any other way.  That day was perfect---except it was bitterly cold!

Although this has been a very odd and tiring year, one nice thing was the opportunity to have the Sacrament Meeting broadcasted and to share that with our family and friends (even our friends in our ward and neighborhood).  I would never have imagined that my brothers and sisters could join in or friends from other places.  It was humbling to get emails and texts from a variety of friends from over the past 42 years.  How sweet all of your comments and support were on this special day!  That opportunity may never happen again but I loved sharing that moment with all of you.

I have included the text of my talk in the next post for those who would like to read it.  (Gary didn't write out his talk so can't put it here.)  My assigned topic was gratitude and Gary's was conversion, He did a great job and shared a powerful story about his own grandfather's conversion plus challenged us all to write down our testimonies and how we gained them.

At 5:00 we headed to the Stake Center and joined our sweet State President, Pres. Nussbaum, in the stake offices to be set apart.  Jena, Gary and I were there in person with Pres. Nussbaum and my dad and Karla and my sister, Valerie, joined through a link.  It was amazing and far beyond anything that I could have imagined feeling. I can only hope that we fulfill our expected service in the manner that God needs us to.  I am more excited than ever for what is to come as we serve.

I posted the following on Facebook:

"This just happened. I can't even tell you how amazing it feels....but I am sure over the next 18 months you will hear me try."

And just like that, we are missionaries (and they didn't even ask if we got everything on our "list" done.)

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