Sunday, November 29, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

When you are a senior missionary, Thanksgiving is one of the holidays that you have "off" as well as the day afterwards.  Of course, with Covid, things were very different.  Although we had discussed getting together with Jessica's family, we decided on Wednesday not to do that.  I had a bad headache that day and hadn't slept well the night before and Jessica was concerned about possible exposures with her working and Liam and Zander both attending school/pre-school.

I put dinner on hold, because my turkey was still quite frozen after two days in the refrigerator and the three of us had a quiet Thanksgiving day with chicken dressing casserole for dinner.  We watched parts of the Macy's parade- Covid-version-- and some football games.  We watched a Christmas movie or two which continued over the weekend.  Friday and Saturday were much more busier days when Gary and I were able to finish up some tasks around the house and Gary made a run to the dump.  Our basement project is ALMOST done and we just have a few more little tasks to finish (that is the royal "we" --mostly Gary does the work and I help with clean-up.)

Today, we did finally have Thanksgiving dinner--

With only three of us, we will have leftovers for days.... Since last year (or maybe the year before), we had a jar with Thanksgiving notes.  Today we read them, even though we couldn't figure out the handwriting on some of them--in general people in our jar were thankful for family, food, blessings, friends, and opportunities.

We are looking forward to other Thanksgivings when we might gather with family again but we are very blessed and truly grateful for our blessings of family and friends!

We hope that you had a great Thanksgiving--one that you will never forget, that you were safe from illness, and you are looking forward to next year when things "might" be back to normal for holiday celebrations.

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