Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ava Turned Two


Although she only turned two, she thinks she is as big as her brothers and doesn't hesitate to put them in line if she thinks they need it---if she doesn't have the words, her tone of voice and sassy can get their attention.  She loves clothes and shoes.  She has a great laugh.  She is one happy girl except when she isn't.

Later that day, we talked on Facetime- She decided to have a late night snack of her spaghetti dinner including meatballs.

Whenever she couldn't see at least part of Jena's face, she would start "peering" around at the phone at different angles as if she was looking around the corner of the phone to find Jena.

Tosha reported a few days later that Ava was calling the neighbor's grandparents-Grandma and Grandpa and kept asking them where Aunt Jena was!  They all thought it was so cute!  It made us laugh.

Happy birthday, sweet girl!!  Glad to have you in our family.

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