Sunday, July 10, 2022

Relief Society Assignment

Today our Relief Society lesson was based on the conference talk of Gerrit Gong at the April General Conference entitled "We Each Have A Story."  It is a great  talk (I suggest you read it if you have a chance.) and Sister Theresa Steel had a great lesson organized.  As part of it, she asked us to jot down a few words in response to some prompts she put on the board.  At the end of the lesson, she asked us to go home and write down the "whole response" to the prompt for our grandchildren to learn something about us.  There are mine:

"Hong Kong"-- my favorite place!  I love the world and everywhere I have traveled or live but Hong Kong was the first thing that came to my mind.  I think that is in part due to the fact that I knew from an early age that I would live in China someday so I paid attention to movies and books which talked about China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.  I wanted to ride the Star Ferry and go up the tram to Victoria Peak for a very long time.  What a treat it was to visit for the first time on our house hunting trip and then to live there for five years!  Riding the Star Ferry and going to the Victoria Peak never got old for me no matter how many times we did it.  Of course, the great privilege of adopting two of our children there connects us to that place even more firmly.

From a visit there in 2000

"Reading"-- favorite pastime.  If you know me, you know that I love to read.  I like all kinds of books both non-fiction and fiction.  When I was younger, I would hear people say that they didn't have time to read.  I couldn't imagine it.  I often carried books with me everywhere and would try to slip in reading whenever there was a free moment.

I like books so much that I asked Gary to build me a Little Free Library which sits in our front yard and provides books for the neighborhood.  While I do read books on my kindle, I like the feel of a real book.  I have not yet made an adjustment to audio books like many people do these days.  I try to give books to my grandkids on every birthday and at Christmas just like I did with my kids when they were little.  I am sure that when I pass away, there will be a stack of books on my night stand in various stages of being read or waiting to be read.  Will there be books in Heaven?

So, Sister Steel--there you go!  I did it.

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