Sunday, July 31, 2022

As Predicted....

...It has been a "week" but we have been so blessed that the busyness has been worth it.


Monday, Ben came for a day visit and we had a Picnic meal at home to celebrate Pioneer Day.

Tuesday:  Alex's surgery went well.

Wednesday:  Ben WENT to the Josh Corban Concert with me!! 

Thursday/Friday: Mission service/catch-up days

Saturday:  Meeting with our Stake President for our second mission.

In-between everything else, I ran up to Syracuse for a couple of hours here and there to spend time with the kids.  Made a visit to the hospital for the evening to let Jessica and Elessia to eat dinner.  I have put a lot of miles on the car this past week between going to Syracuse and going to Provo.

Gary held down the fort and carried our mission work while I was doing all of the driving and stuff that this week involved.

Details and photos in the following posts.

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